The bike is in good condition, it starts and runs well, everything works as it should.
Comes with 2 keys, manual and tool kit, standard (currently fitted) and spare loud silencer.
The carbs have been cleaned and overhauled, with new fuel pipes, pump and relay.
The condition reflects its age, it's not concourse, but in the black and titanium livery it still looks good.
MoT runs to 25th October. The last MoT had one advisory, a front fork oil seal, that I have had replaced. For the full asking price I will get a fresh ticket for it. These bikes ride beautifully, they feel planted on the road and go like a rocket. With the standard can on the engine is quiet, with no mechanical thrashing. With the loud can on it feels like you are doing 90 when you are doing 50, it's a very rewarding sound!
I bought it as an eligible bike (i. e. over 25 years old) to use on VMCC club runs, having wanted one since I test road one in 1993. It hasn't disappointed. However, the club is really about old British bikes and so having scratched the CBR600 itch I have now bought an old brit and the Honda needs to go to create space in the garage.