This bike is a Yamaha DT 400B, built in 1975. A beautiful and unrestored, original example of this superb bike. The overall condition is excellent, with all the original parts, the brackets, exhaust and difficulty to find parts are all in evidence. The bike was purchased by me from the well regarded importer Yuniparts in 2010. The standard and excellent condition of the bike supporting the shown mileage at the time of 8600 miles. The bike was subject to several MOT tests until it became 40 years old and went onto a Historic designation. The only updates to the standard bike were a seat refurbishment by RK Leightons, a new air box to carburettor rubber and the exhaust sent to Camcoat for a ceramic covering. The bike was chosen back in 2010 after several years of looking for this specific model. I wanted an original and unrestored example of the largest DT In the range. This bike was by far the best available and I would maintain still is, as an original example. The bike starts on two kicks, runs and idles perfectly and is an absolute joy to ride. For a two stroke the engine picks up beautifully but also has excellent and usable torque and is a relaxed ride that can easily and comfortably go for hours with no fatigue to bike or rider. The bike is currently registered and insured in France. The bike has been through the required independent FFVE, Federation Francaise Des Vehicules D’epoque dating and registration process to list this vehicle as a vehicle de collection, ie, a historic vehicle.