This is an increasingly rare four seater cabriolet in good if not perfect order. It was purchased by the current Seller when in poor condition in 1996 and extensively restored by "Available Austins" during 1989/ 91. As one of four Austins owned by the Seller during his period of ownership, it has not received a lot of use. The wheels have recently been refurbished and new tyres fitted. The interior is in some respects good and in other respects showing its age. A little of the chrome is now failing but the overall appearance of the car and its hood remains good. It drives well. This car was purchased by the current Seller as a "twin" for the Austin 10 dickey tourer which he and his wife then owned. The structure of the car's body was in poor condition when it was purchased and thus the need for its restoration. The "body off" restoration was completed in 1991 at a cost in excess of £15, 000. Since then, it has been used periodically to attend rallies etc. and in June of 2024 covered about 70 miles to attend a rally. It ran well on this trip. The Seller has always kept the car in a dry garage and it has not been exposed to salt roads since it was restored. It is for sale both because the Seller wishes to reduce his "stock" of cars due to his increasing age and because he is increasingly focusing on the use of an Austin 7 which he still owns.