Ducati 851 S3 serie 003
This bike left the factory as competition bike, without head-light , mirrors and turn-light.
With lucky the the owner register the bike as street bike.
Competition parts that comes with the bike:
I have a Magneti Marelli P8 control unit (which is usually used in competitions because it allows controlling and changing electronic management parameters, very easily. With it came several Racing Eproms of which I don't know the precise purpose.
Carbon parts that belong to the intake air box.
And, perhaps most valuable, a dual-injector injection system for each cylinder to literally make the system pee better inside. Apparently, when they approved the bike as a "stradalle" they had to install a system with just 1 injector per cylinder so that the bike could pass the approval and CO2 test. Ducati 851 S3 serie 003
This bike left the factory as competition bike, without head-light , mirrors and turn-light.
With lucky the the owner register the bike as street bike.
Competition parts that comes with the bike:
I have a Magneti Marelli P8 control unit (which is usually used in competitions because it allows controlling and changing electronic management parameters, very easily. With it came several Racing Eproms of which I don't know the precise purpose.
Carbon parts that belong to the intake air box.
And, perhaps most valuable, a dual-injector injection system for each cylinder to literally make the system pee better inside. Apparently, when they approved the bike as a "stradalle" they had to install a system with just 1 injector per cylinder so that the bike could pass the approval and CO2 test.